Tuesday, October 29, 2013

What's been Dug Up: Bikini Bottom

I don't know how Mrs. Puff can handle living so close to Spongebob
Well, will you look at that. I found a piece of my childhood. This wonderfully nostalgic map is brought to you by minecrafter GinaMahawira. As many of you may know, the location of everything in Bikini Bottom is ever changing with every episode, so there may be some relatively weird placements here and there, but this map looks like something that I think many minecrafters will want to explore.
Mr. Krabs lives in front of the hospital.... how convenient.....

That being said, this survival map contains (aside from those you see in the screenshots) Weenie Hut Jr., Mrs. Puff''s Boating School, Shady Shoals Rest Home/Mermalair, and more for players to explore! I can imagine players just making themed mini-games to play in on this map. (Fry Cook Games, anyone?) In the link above is where you can find more information about this Bikini Bottom map and also the download link for it if you're in a nostalgic/curious mood for today. Or maybe you just want to make a game just for that map for others to play, like the Fry Cook Games? *wink* *wink*
As a side note, I'm getting ready to get into other maps personally and capture my own screenshots to show all of you, but I'm going to need just a little bit more time to do that for you guys. And also, Fry Cook Games anyone?
Glove World is in front of the Krusty Krab!?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

What's been Dug Up: Booby Trap Pyramid

I've dug up another video but this time it's of a map that's someone's made. This custom map is centered around a pyramid filled with pitfalls, lava parkour, suffocation maps, and more! It even has a little redstone magic to keep you on your toes! The creator of this map is minecrafter BobaDaKing who has also made multiple maps for players to explore, which I may decide to post about later. The video below is by a Youtuber known as JackFrostMiner. There is commentary by him on this video, but it's pretty good, in my opinion. Not to mention, but he does freaking great for his first time in this map. Hope you guys enjoy the video!

As a side note, I'm planning on showing videos and screenshots of my own walk through the maps I decide to talk about so you all can see more of what I'm talking about,which should be relatively soon. I keep showing screenshots that the others have put up, but you deserve to see more so you'll get more! Look forward to it! ;)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

What's Been Dug Up: Pixelmon

Gotta Catch 'em all, Pixelmon!

Mod time! Starting off, Pixelmon is made by epicSplashBattle, Mr.Masochism, meeees, xkyouchoux.hiroku, GodOf_War and Gorship. It's a pokemon-themed mod where players can journey out into the wild to catch wild pokemon and challenge other players/trainers. When you first start off in the mod, you can choose from Charmander,  Bulbasaur, Squirtle, or Eevee as your starter pokemon. Capturing pokemon here involves crafting your own pokeballs and throwing one of them at a (preferably weakened) wild pokemon in battle. Defeating wild pokemon will sometimes cause them to drop items like Ender pearls and diamonds which you will use in recipes to make your "journey" easier.  Pixelmon also goes as far as letting you evolve your pokemon by either leveling them up or getting an Evolution stone.

There are currently 170 pokemon,  each with their own custom animations for players to go after and more on the way as the creators of the mod are currently trying to update with more pokemon. Every pokemon has their own unique stats like damage and aggression that players will have to account for when choosing which one to send into battle. To go along with the number of Pokemon is about 500 attacks in the battle system which also includes status ailments and commands you can find a regular pokemon game. Players can access a Pokedex in the mod that will show you information about all existing pokemon, their basic information, and their basic stats. I could go on and on about Pixelmon, but I want to keep some of it as a surprise to any of you minecrafters that haven't had the chance to play it yet. One thing though, try riding a Gyarados on land and tell me how it goes.

In order to play this mod, you need to first download the Forge mod if you haven't already. Even if you haven't yet, go here and scroll down to the end of the post, just before the comment section (this is the most up-to-date so far.) There you can download Forge and Pixelmon. Happy training!

Monday, October 7, 2013

What's been Dug Up: A Video

Ok, so this isn't exactly a build, but it IS by a group of minecrafters showing some of the standard "Oh god, this game" moments that I think most minecrafters go through. Enjoy the video!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

What's been Dug Up: Feudal Japan

Before I start, I should mention that I couldn't find the creator of this build and hope that someone can recognize it and tell me who it is. Coming from past experience, Minecraft builds are usually based off of something that a person likes or what they thought would look good. This build seems to be based off of historical Japan. So while I don't know if the Minecrafter that made this has a thing for Japanese history, he or she was at least right in thinking that it would look good. As you can see, there are lanterns, a Japanese Shinto shrine gate and what seems to be either a temple or something like a Japanese castle in the back. The map appears to be a festival, one that's based off of the Japanese Lantern Festival. In the spirit of the festival, it would have been awesome to see a starry night sky instead of the cloudy one, but the choice of a cloudy sunrise after a night out was not a bad one either. 
Japanese Lantern Festival at Osaka Castle

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

First Post! What's been Dug Up

Total blocks used: 19,225,760. Total Build Time: around 10-20 hours

This is called Cavern City by Tumble_Pig on minecraft-schematics.com. According to the creator, this map is slightly based off of Moria from the Lord of the Rings, if you can see it. The map was created using the DokuCraft texture pack light, which is what you're going to have to download if you want to see it in the same way as in this picture. And even though this screenshot and the one below don't show it, this map contains a lot of caves (kind of goes with the name, Cavern City) for players to explore, so if you want to know about what the rest of the map looks like, I encourage you to go and check it out! If you still haven't decided about whether or not to do it, maybe my reason for posting this map will help.

Another screenshot from inside the map

What made me want to post and write about Tumble_Pig's Cavern City is not only how amazing it looked, but how amazing it looked underground. When I try to google "underground maps minecraft," I just find screenshots of lava, creepers, a hole or two, and more lava. However, with the exception of survival mode, this map doesn't have any of that and that sets it apart from much of what I've seen (so far anyway.) Most builds that I usually see are made above ground and occasionally over open waters. While they look pretty cool as well, it's always great to see a build that does/is something that not too many people to decide to make. If you want to take a look, you can go to the link below, download the world save file, and go to these coordinates:
Download link: http://www.minecraft-schematics.com/schematic/1253/