Saturday, November 30, 2013

What's been Dug Up: Mutant Enderman (Part 1)

Next up is the Mutant Enderman from the Mutant Creatures mod! Although I'm repeating myself, I have to mention that this mod is created by a player known on the Minecraft Forums as thehippomaster21 and I hope that many of you decide to try it out!

Well, hello there. :D

This Mutant is probably the most dangerous Mutant out of the entire mod. As you can see, it has 4 arms, which it can use to attack the player. It acts like an ordinary Enderman, hostile mostly when stared at and neutral at other times. However, the Mutant Enderman seems to hate Pumpkin, that it'll become aggravated if the player wears one. The Mutant Enderman also still receives damage from rain and water.

It can still melee while holding blocks

The Mutant Enderman can pick up to 4 blocks and actually throw them, which is capable of both direct and splash damage. It can also blind any player caught in its Endersoul when it teleports, also knocks around and causes damage to anyone inside of it. The Mutant Enderman doesn't create minions and instead creates clones of itself. It's better to end the clone move by attacking the real one as fast as possible though, because it regenerates 1 heart for every successful hit while active.

Be careful, Endersoul will still knock you around during its death

A player can also be teleported by a Mutant Enderman, causing fall damage and nausea. Also, when it screams, it can deal damage (possibly killing a player extremely quickly) and even stop rain from falling. That's not all, however, as the Mutant Enderman can also inflict a smorgasbord of status ailments like poison and increased hunger as it screams. When it dies, it disintegrates as its damage-inflicting Endersoul spreads about and will drop Ender Pearls and Eyes of Ender (yeah, as in more than one of each!)

Alright, that's plenty on the Mutant Enderman! Next up will be the special item you can craft from Mutant Enderman drops, thanks to the Mutant Creatures mod which you can download here. Download away!

Friday, November 29, 2013

What's been Dug Up: Mutant Skeleton (Part 2)

And we're back with more of the Mutant Skeleton from the Mutant Creatures Mod! Here in Part 2, we'll be going through making armor out Mutant Skeleton body parts! Of course, with every post about this mod I'll mention that this mod is created by a player known on the Minecraft Forums as thehippomaster21 and by all means, give it shot!

Clearly, you take on the appearance of a Skeleton/Mutant Skeleton when the entire set is of armor is worn. Each part of the set gives you a potion effect when worn, such as increased speed and jump boost. There's even an increased fire rate for the bow and arrow as well as a chance to not deplete the total number of arrows when firing! In the images just below are recipes for each piece of armor with the result shown to the recipes' right.

Starting from the bottom left, the recipe for Mutant Skeleton Leggings calls for 1 centered Pelvis and 2 Skeleton Limbs, 1 on both bottom corner. To the right are Mutant Skeleton Boots, requiring 1 Skeleton Limb on each bottom corner. Above is the Skeleton Ribcage, simply needing all except the center column to be filled with 1 Rib. On its left are the Skeleton Arms, needing only 2 Shoulder Pads, 1 on each upper corner and 4 Limbs, 2 below each Shoulder Pad.

This next recipe calls for both the Skeleton Ribcage and Skeleton Arms, the Arms in the center and the Ribcage below it to make a Mutant Skeleton Chestplate. The Mutant Skeletion Helmet is only dropped when the Mutant Skeleton is defeated, so there's no crafted required. The Helmet grants doubled attack damage on a midair mob when using a bow. However, if a bow is used to attack one on the ground, the damage is halved.

Alright guys, I've gone over the Mutant Skeleton and the Mutant Creeper so far, and I hope that all of you have been enjoying finding out more about this mod! Again, if you want to go ahead and download the mod, go here. And remember, have fun with it!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

What's been Dug Up: Mutant Skeleton (Part 1)

Alright, so I'm revisiting the Mutant Creatures mod simply because there so much going on with each of the mutated versions of mobs, that they can't all be covered in 1 post.  As mentioned previously, this mod is created by a player known on the Minecraft Forums as thehippomaster21 and I hope you try this out for yourself.

The same concept from the Mutant Creeper applies to creating a Mutant Skeleton, where the players throws Chemical X (recipe: 1 water bottle surrounded by 4 obsidian blocks) at a Skeleton and turns it into a Mutant Skeleton. As you can see, it's much taller and more built in comparison to the normal version. The mutated mob is capable of both melee and ranged attacks while keeping knock-back effects and causing occasional potion effects.

Note that Mutant Skeletons DO NOT take damage from sunlight, so "waiting it out" tactics won't work. When a player defeats it, it's entire body scatters and the flying body parts are each capable of dealing damage. Assuming the player survives, the player can pick up the body parts (right-click them) to use them in recipes. But if you feel like it, you can wear the head like a hat.

 As I said earlier, the Mutant Skeleton is capable of both ranged and melee attacks. One attack in particular is extremely accurate, where it will jump in the air an unleash a volley of arrows at the player, landing nearby. However, the Mutant Skeleton is deadlier up close, so I can agree with Wipper (owner of above video) that the bow is a more appealing weapon choice.

I've only covered half of the content in regards to the Mutant Skeleton, so there'll be more on that in the next post. Again, if you're interested in downloading the mod, go here. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What's been Dug Up: Mutant Creepers

Hey there guys! Have you thought about how someone could make Minecraft much more dangerous than it already is? Well, that someone has already made the mod perfect for that and it's called: Mutant Creatures Mod. This mod is created by a player known on the Minecraft Forums as thehippomaster21 and it looks pretty insane.


First off, there are some new recipes put into play for this mod. 1 recipe is 1 water bottle surrounded by 4 obsidian to make Chemical X and the other is 1 gunpowder surrounded by 4 cobblestone to make Creeper Stats. Chemical X activates when thrown and the smoke from the impact is affecting a nearby mob. This process can either kill them or turn them into a mutant.

The Mutant Creeper appears to have its original 4 legs lengthened and its body curved. This version of the Creeper has 5 new attacks, which includes performing a large jump and causing an explosion on impact as well as spawning Creeper minions. Keep in mind that it will cause an explosion when you kill it, not before. At pre-explosion, it acts as a black hole, meaning sucking in all mobs and players and then exploding at an expanded radius.

When you kill a Mutant Creeper, it drops an egg. You can mine the egg to get a Creeper Shard (though, there's only a 50 percent chance) or put it on your head (right-click the egg) where, after a couple of days, it will hatch into a baby Creeper. The baby Creeper can be named and tamed by the player while also having the option to not destroy blocks when it explodes using Creeper Stats.

The Creeper Shard stores power the more the player uses it in attacks until it has enough to use the iconic Creeper move: self-explosion. When a player executes the explosion, there is only damage inflicted on the surroundings, while there is none on the player. It's an excellent way to at least knock back an attacking monster, given a little a bit of power.

If you're interested in downloading the mod, go here. Have fun!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

What's been Dug Up: X-Ray

So, next up is this nice X-Ray mod I found. The mod is made by AmbientOcclusion, at least when I go by the creator's Minecraft Forum Username. What this mod does is pretty self-explanatory, but there are a few things that you won't get straight from the name.

In this mod, you can switch between using X-ray vision or not by pressing x. Most textures will be rendered invisible when it is turned on, save for the occasional flowers and such. While X-ray vision is on, you can see all the ores, lava, and water from your point of view, but it won't show any ore(s), lava, or water behind another ore, so it'll be more effective to move around a bit to make sure you're not missing any nice finds.

As you can see from this picture, all ores can turn to black. This occurs when toggling Full Bright and can probably be used to find the bigger ore veins. Lava and water are both not affected by Full Bright, so it may make it less distracting to get to any lava you want if you can't see the ores. Be careful though, since this won't show anything more than a hint of where caverns, underground ravines, or other areas that can cause large and possible lethal drops are.

If you want to get this mod and start mining straight for those diamonds, go here and follow the download link in the first post.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What's been Dug Up: Tornadoes

Before I get started, I want to mention that this post along with a few others coming after it will be all about Minecraft mods. The reason is that while I'm done with getting ready to go through a couple of custom maps personally, I still need time to actually get to all of them and then go on to write about them.

If you haven't figured it out yet, this Weather and Tornadoes Mod by Coros adds tornadoes to the weather system of your minecraft world as well as water spouts and hurricanes (though they aren't added in the video.) There are also new sounds and a few new tools for players to use that, in my opinion makes, makes things a whole lot easier.

Since tornadoes only spawn naturally, it's useful to have an alarm ready in the area. For this purpose, there are 2 new types of blocks that you can make: sirens and tornado detectors.
As you can probably guess, the siren gives out a loud sound (which you can hear in the video) when the tornado detector, well, detects a tornado.

When Tornadoes spawn, they take a lot of debris from the surrounding environment. This can include dirt blocks, mobs, players, etc. Although, don't ask me about lava or water.
The debris will circle in the new cloud that was formed by the tornado, until it disappears, and the debris simply scatters (I assume a player and any mobs would take fall damage.)

This is 1 of the new tools programmed into this mod: the shockwave tool. Living up to its name, it sends a, I'm assuming, horizontal shockwave from the point the user decided to hit. Any mobs or players within the range of shockwave will be sent flying, so it's good for clearing a path if faced with a large mob.

Another tool that has been added is the drill tool. While it doesn't look like a drill, it definitely does the work of one. At the point of impact, a drill effect will occur in the general direction of the impact. Blocks that are in the path of this effect will be randomly thrown and land in the opposite direction. Because the displacement of the blocks can't be accurately predicted, be aware of possible suffocation damage.

If you want to go ahead and download this mod so you can terrorize mobs everywhere, then you can head over to Coros website. Have a good fall(s)!