Friday, November 29, 2013

What's been Dug Up: Mutant Skeleton (Part 2)

And we're back with more of the Mutant Skeleton from the Mutant Creatures Mod! Here in Part 2, we'll be going through making armor out Mutant Skeleton body parts! Of course, with every post about this mod I'll mention that this mod is created by a player known on the Minecraft Forums as thehippomaster21 and by all means, give it shot!

Clearly, you take on the appearance of a Skeleton/Mutant Skeleton when the entire set is of armor is worn. Each part of the set gives you a potion effect when worn, such as increased speed and jump boost. There's even an increased fire rate for the bow and arrow as well as a chance to not deplete the total number of arrows when firing! In the images just below are recipes for each piece of armor with the result shown to the recipes' right.

Starting from the bottom left, the recipe for Mutant Skeleton Leggings calls for 1 centered Pelvis and 2 Skeleton Limbs, 1 on both bottom corner. To the right are Mutant Skeleton Boots, requiring 1 Skeleton Limb on each bottom corner. Above is the Skeleton Ribcage, simply needing all except the center column to be filled with 1 Rib. On its left are the Skeleton Arms, needing only 2 Shoulder Pads, 1 on each upper corner and 4 Limbs, 2 below each Shoulder Pad.

This next recipe calls for both the Skeleton Ribcage and Skeleton Arms, the Arms in the center and the Ribcage below it to make a Mutant Skeleton Chestplate. The Mutant Skeletion Helmet is only dropped when the Mutant Skeleton is defeated, so there's no crafted required. The Helmet grants doubled attack damage on a midair mob when using a bow. However, if a bow is used to attack one on the ground, the damage is halved.

Alright guys, I've gone over the Mutant Skeleton and the Mutant Creeper so far, and I hope that all of you have been enjoying finding out more about this mod! Again, if you want to go ahead and download the mod, go here. And remember, have fun with it!

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