Thursday, November 28, 2013

What's been Dug Up: Mutant Skeleton (Part 1)

Alright, so I'm revisiting the Mutant Creatures mod simply because there so much going on with each of the mutated versions of mobs, that they can't all be covered in 1 post.  As mentioned previously, this mod is created by a player known on the Minecraft Forums as thehippomaster21 and I hope you try this out for yourself.

The same concept from the Mutant Creeper applies to creating a Mutant Skeleton, where the players throws Chemical X (recipe: 1 water bottle surrounded by 4 obsidian blocks) at a Skeleton and turns it into a Mutant Skeleton. As you can see, it's much taller and more built in comparison to the normal version. The mutated mob is capable of both melee and ranged attacks while keeping knock-back effects and causing occasional potion effects.

Note that Mutant Skeletons DO NOT take damage from sunlight, so "waiting it out" tactics won't work. When a player defeats it, it's entire body scatters and the flying body parts are each capable of dealing damage. Assuming the player survives, the player can pick up the body parts (right-click them) to use them in recipes. But if you feel like it, you can wear the head like a hat.

 As I said earlier, the Mutant Skeleton is capable of both ranged and melee attacks. One attack in particular is extremely accurate, where it will jump in the air an unleash a volley of arrows at the player, landing nearby. However, the Mutant Skeleton is deadlier up close, so I can agree with Wipper (owner of above video) that the bow is a more appealing weapon choice.

I've only covered half of the content in regards to the Mutant Skeleton, so there'll be more on that in the next post. Again, if you're interested in downloading the mod, go here. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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